Look Forward or Look Back?

Articulos en inglés y español incluida

Look back or look forward? Contemplate what I’ve done or what I want to do? Both I think. This was a transformative year for me. I learned big lessons and took big risks.

I learned the importance of being brave this year. I learned there is a certain pride in overcoming fear. I took a leap – a literal leap – off a platform 300 feet above a canyon floor with just a bungee cord attached to my feet.  It was a defining moment for me as it reminded me how strong and courageous I was. It also made me feel like a badass. I realized I had given up on wanting big moments for myself, but not anymore. I started this blog. I have had over 8000 views on my sight in 5 months. I’ve been published by outside sources. I have some exciting projects in the works. I was so scared to risk failing, but I did it anyway. I was brave. I think that’s badass!

Read Spend A Little Time in My Head…

I learned the difference between existing and living. I had been existing a long time. There was little to no emotion in my life. I wasn’t taking risks. I wasn’t making plans. I had quit dreaming. Yeah, that’s the hard one. I had quit having dreams for myself. But a chance encounter with unexpected strangers reminded me to live, reminded me I have passion in my life, and reminded me to dream. I feel the emotions now. I’ve laughed and loved and hoped and felt motivated and encouraged and determined. I’ve also worried and lost and hurt and felt angry and overwhelmed and foolish. The emotions go both ways, positive and negative, but that’s okay. I’m feeling. I’m living.

Read Learning to Live Instead of Exist from Four Mexican Surfers  Versión en inglés y español incluida

img_20181223_1841464577392372166443269.jpgI learned I want to be a better person.  I learned the best way I can do this is to experience the world and to experience new people. I left my comfort zone and met people very different than me.  I didn’t just meet them though, I formed friendships. Friends who have supported me and encouraged me and have found permanent places in my heart. The world is so big and full of so many people, why was I just confining myself to my one small little space? Not anymore.

Read The Lesson Baja Taught Me…I Want to Be Better  Versión en inglés y español incluida

I learned I can accept myself. I spent years in hiding, worried about things like age and wrinkles and gravity. I looked back on my memories and found there was no record of me being in them.  I wasn’t in MY memories? I had do something. I bared my face for the world to see. I was real and vulnerable and it felt amazing. I am learning to smile when life gives me reason to, to give myself a break once in awhile, to be accepting of the person I see in the mirror, and to realize my face tells my story.  I’m becoming proud of that story.

Read I Need To Bare All…

I learned life is about taking risks. I had played things so safe for so long. I lived a “supposed to” life instead of a “want to” life.  I thought in “what if” it goes wrong instead of “what if” it works out. I lived a life pleasing others held back by fears and insecurities and doubts. These things held me back to the point that the fear of being hurt or messing up was keeping me from the possibilities – the possibilities of greatness and opportunity and experiences and friendships and love. I’ve started taking risks. I traveled alone, explored alone, and met new people alone. I risked exploring new opportunities for myself and taking chances and pursuing my dreams. I’m taking risks now.  Watch out world!

Read Baja Lessons…Get Lost  Versión en inglés y español incluida

I learned a lot this year. I’m proud of me. I think I’m a better person. I hope so. It makes me motivated to keep moving forward. I want to keep writing – maybe start a book. I want to travel. I want to work with my students to give them a voice. That’s one of my new passions. I want to enjoy my family and friends. I want to meet new people. I want to be “ all in” in my life. I want to never be lazy again with my love, my compassion, my kindness – I want to be “all in”. I’m going to take risks and 20181114_1155574699687766619907604.jpgchances, being confident that I can achieve them but knowing I have the strength
and tenacity to try again when things don’t work out. Great things can only happen to me if I’m brave enough to try.  I want to be “ all in”. I want to embrace each day. Life is short. There are no guarantees. If I want it, I’m going for it. I’m going to live completely and without hesitation right now. I want to be “all in”. That’s my next year. All in.

3 thoughts on “Look Forward or Look Back?

  1. I think this article is the “BEST OF THE BEST”!! Keep writing and sharing your talent!!

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